Programme 2024

Meetings are 7pm for 7.30pm and are open to everyone, entry £4 for non-members. Meetings are usually held in the cafe at St. Peter’s Crypt, Northchurch Terrace, London N1 4DA.

Meeting: January 9th

When she moved to an apartment in Hackney three years ago, Kirsty Norman found that she could access a 30m green roof outside her kitchen windows. She has been guerilla gardening it ever since. Join her for an account of her steep learning curve, and the new world of gardening that this unfamiliar environment opened up. There have been failures, and there have been successes, and there are plans for the future… but that’s gardening.

Meeting: February 6th

Our Annual General Meeting is a quick summary of 2023 activities, a financial report and election of the committee. This year we are delighted to welcome a speaker from Hackney’s Tree Musketeers who are a group of volunteers who grow, plant and care for trees in Hackney.

Meeting: March 5th

Annie Godfrey, Garden Designer and owner of Daisy Roots Nursery gives a light hearted talk about the ins and outs of exhibiting at flower shows.

Meeting: April 2nd

Swedish fashion designer and garden lover Stina Hasan gives a talk about roses and her garden as featured on her beautiful instagram feed – The Hackney Gardener.

Meeting: May 7th

Susannah Hall from Permablitz London will be talking about soil life as the key to growing success.

Meeting: June 4th

Johnny Le Huquet gives us a masterclass on growing ornamental grasses and what to plant with them.

Make your own way trip: June 30th

This is a lovely day out with 30 gardens open for viewing plus a plant market in the town square. It is a make-your-own-way trip. The cheapest option is to buy two advance single tickets at £12.80 each – I suggest the 09:20 from St Pancras (arrives 10:26) and the 18:00 from Faversham (arrives back in London 19:08). Once there you will need to purchase of a programme which costs £7 each or £12 for two. Avril will be organising meeting up for anyone who wants to go round as a group – or simply make your own way round. Details of the event are here.

Meeting: July 2nd

A glorious summer evening spent exploring several gardens open for the NGS scheme in Arlington Square. Join us in the square for a glass of wine afterwards. The full itinerary will be sent out in the June newsletter.

Sunday September 1st

The cost will be £40 per person to include entry to the garden. The trip will leave de Beauvoir at 9am and return at 6.30pm latest.

Green Island Gardens
This extensive garden of 2-3 acres has been developed by Fiona Edmond over the last 25 years and comes very highly recommended. There are main beds, terrace, Japanese garden, gravel garden, water garden, seaside garden, woodland gardens, birdwatching shelter, nursery and tea room. The garden is managed to encourage wildlife and includes national collections of Hamamelis (Witch Hazel) and Autumn and Winter flowering Camelias. 

Langthorns Plantery
A plant nursery par excellence… here is a quote from Tripadvisor:
‘This was our first visit, but it will not be our last. Langthorns is all about the plants; this is a place for serious gardeners. The staff are knowledgeable and extremely helpful. No café or shops filled with with items completely unrelated to gardening. Highly recommended if you want good quality plants at a realistic price, with plenty of variety and a highly organised set up.’ 

Sunday September 29th

Our annual flower and produce show will take place at the De Beauvoir Block.

Meeting: October 1st

Meeting: November 5th

Meeting: December 3rd